Leg pain can be due to numerous factors, which can make it difficult to pinpoint the specific cause.

If your leg pain is due to a condition in your vascular system, it will likely take a physician that specializes in the venous system to identify the problem and recommend the proper course of treatment. If the problem is left unchecked, it may only serve to worsen the pain and exacerbate the condition.

Dr. Draughn at Vein Specialists of the Carolinas is uniquely equipped for this task because he spends all day, every day, just working with vein conditions in his practice. As an expert in the field, you can rest assured you will enjoy the highest level of care, accurate diagnosis and the most effective vein treatments from Dr. Draughn and his staff.

Sources of Leg Pain

There are many reasons why you might experience aching, swelling and other types of discomfort in your lower legs:

Varicose Veins

Those unsightly, bulging vessels can also be a source of leg pain, such as heaviness and aching at the end of the day. The good news is that there are many effective treatments available for varicose veins today that do not involve significant discomfort or downtime. The treatments will also relieve painful symptoms associated with varicose veins, often as soon as the procedure is completed.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency or CVI is often the underlying reason why varicose veins form. This condition occurs when small valves inside the vessels become damaged or simply wear out over time. When this happens, blood can reflux back into the vessel, leading to weakening and swelling of the vein and eventually, varicosity. Because CVI affects blood flow in the lower leg, it can also lead to pain, cramping and tired legs at the end of the day.

Superficial Thrombophlebitis

This condition occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein close to the skin’s surface. While superficial thrombophlebitis is not necessarily dangerous, it can be very painful. Symptoms include the appearance of painful red knots under the skin and warm, tender skin in the area of the clot.

Although this condition itself is not terribly serious, it can indicate a more severe condition like deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism is also present. For this reason, it is always a good idea to have superficial thrombophlebitis checked by a vein specialist that can also recommend treatments to manage uncomfortable symptoms until the condition resolves.

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis or DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein of the body, usually in the lower leg. This condition may develop without any symptoms, although some sufferers may experience pain and warmth in the leg around the area of the clot.

Deep vein thrombosis is a concerning condition, because the clot that forms in the lower leg can break free from its original location and travel through the bloodstream to the lung. This can lead to a potentially life-threatening condition known as a pulmonary embolism or PE. Without emergency medical treatment, a PE can become fatal quickly. This is why it is always a good idea to have DVT assessed by a vein specialist to determine whether treatment is necessary.

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peripheral vascular disease or PVD is characterized by a narrowing of a vein or artery in the lower portion of the body. The narrowing is usually due to the buildup of plaque that decreases blood flow and oxygen supply to the lower limbs. This condition can lead to painful cramping of the leg, as well as burning around the area of the affected vein or artery. Most sufferers will feel the symptoms more acutely while walking.

Post Phlebitic Syndrome

This condition generally occurs after a diagnosis of DVT and is due to the fact that the blood clot did not dissolve or because the clot damaged the vessel. Patients that suffer with post phlebitic syndrome may experience pain and heaviness in the leg, as well as skin discoloration and the formation of large, open sores around the ankle. Varicose veins that formed will also remain even if the clot is properly treated, which can continue to exacerbate symptoms until the veins themselves are eliminated.

Venous Ulcers

When a vein is damaged, the increased pressure inside the vein can lead to the breakdown of healthy tissue and an increased risk for large open sores known as venous ulcers. In addition to the pain associated with these sores, they can be very difficult to treat. Venous ulcers tend to become infected easily and often recur even it if appears they were fully eliminated.


Lymphedema is another potential source of leg pain. This condition occurs when increased pressure from damaged veins leads to damage of the lymphatic system as well. The primary symptom of lymphedema is leg swelling, which can create significant discomfort. The swelling is present constantly, even after first getting out of bed in the morning. In addition, the increased pressure from the swelling can lead to serious skin infections known as cellulitis.

While there are many sources of leg pain, many of these conditions can be treated in a similar fashion – by eliminating the damaged vessels and restoring healthy blood flow to the lower leg. The first step is to have your condition accurately evaluated and diagnosed by a physician that specializes in vein disorders.

Once you have a diagnosis and pinpointed the vein or veins that are contributing to the condition, treatment can be performed. Today, vein treatments are less invasive and painful than ever before, which means you can readily eliminate problem veins without putting a major crimp in your daily routine. Dr. Draughn will assess your vein condition and recommend the best treatment option for you based on the size and location of your damaged veins.

Do not suffer with leg pain, thinking there is no way to effectively treat it. Dr. Draughn and the staff at Vein Specialists of the Carolinas offer a variety of treatment options that allow for customization of the procedure to the unique needs of each of our patients. To learn more, contact Vein Specialists of the Carolinas at 704-861-2072 or 704-544-5245.





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