Varicose Vein Treatment
Vein Specialists of the Carolinas
“All We Do Is Veins, All Day Every Day.”
- A new FDA approved commercial version of a drug that has been used to treat varicose veins for decades.
- Comes in a premixed canister similar to shaving cream.
- This commercial product uses CO2 instead of air to create uniform microbubbles.
How It Works
VARITHENA – POLIDOCANOL foam is carefully injected into the refluxing veins and associated varicose veins under ultrasound guidance to make sure it only fills the intended veins. It causes controlled injury to the vein lining which makes the vein clot and then get resorbed over time.
- A compression garment is worn for several days afterwards to keep blood from getting trapped in the vein.
- Patients can resume normal activities as soon as they feel like it, usually later that day or the next.
- Pain medications stronger than Tylenol, Advil or Aspirin are rarely if ever needed.
- An ultrasound has to be completed in a few days to make sure the vein has properly closed and no deep vein clots are present.
VARITHENA Advantages
- Similar effectiveness as other ablation treatments.
- Can be used to treat bulgy varicose veins at the same time as the saphenous vein.
- Can target veins that are closer to the skin or nearby nerves without risk of injury.
Like all other vein treatments there is a very low risk of DVT.

- Many but not all insurance plans cover it.
- The foam, similar to a thick liquid, is not as predictable as to where it goes. Careful attention to detail is needed to keep it from entering the deep vein system.
- There is a daily limit and the procedure may need to be repeated if all veins cannot be filled.
History: Polidocanol comes as a liquid and can be made into a foam. It did not have FDA approval for either form for treating veins. It has been used “off label” for decades in both forms with excellent results. Doctors had to create the foam in their office by mixing the liquid with air, back and forth, between two syringes. Although each doctor did it slightly different, the results were good, but not as good as heat from RFA or laser.
Currently both the liquid and foam, each made by separate companies, are FDA approved for vein treatment.
Mon.-Thurs.: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Friday: 7:30am-12:30pm
15825 Ballantyne Medical Place,
Ste. 240
Charlotte, North Carolina 28277
Mon.-Thurs.: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Friday: 7:30am-12:30pm
860 Summit Crossing Place,
Ste. 120
Gastonia, North Carolina 28054