Thank you for choosing Vein Specialists of the Carolinas for your vein care needs.  It is our goal to provide you with excellent care and service.  As a highly specialized practice, we minimize our daily volume of patients. Therefore, your scheduled appointment is reserved especially for you.  The following is to inform you of our office policies concerning missed appointments.  A missed appointment is when you fail to show up, cancel, or reschedule an appointment, without prior notification.  It is important that you give our office a courtesy call if you are unable to keep your appointment.  Exceptions may be made on an individual basis. We will always be happy to discuss your particular situation.   Office appointment policies are outlined below.


Our new patient appointments are extensive.   A detailed diagnostic ultrasound is performed; digital photographs and garment measurements are also taken.  Our doctor examines you, reviews the results of the ultrasound then creates an individualized treatment plan.  We require a 48 hours (2 working days) cancellation notice.  This allows us the opportunity to offer the appointment time to another patient.  If we do not receive a courtesy call canceling your appointment an $80.00 missed appointment fee will be billed to you.


We require a 24 hour notice for all routine office visits.  You will be billed a $30.00 fee for any missed appointment.

1st missed routine follow-up: You may be billed a $30.00 fee.

2nd missed routine follow-up: Written notification and you will be billed a $30.00 fee.

3rd missed routine follow-up: Written notification of the third missed appointment and you will be

billed a $30.00 fee. Missing three appointments may result in a discharge from the practice. 



Our appointment policy requires at least 72 hours (3 working days) cancellation notice prior to the day of your scheduled procedures.  A lot of time and preparation is involved in ensuring that procedures are authorized by your insurance.  The expensive sterile medical supplies are ordered in advanced for your procedure.  Moving another patient to fill your slot at the last minute is difficult.  Patients who do not provide a 72 hour cancellation notice will be charged a $400 cancellation fee.


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Signature of Patient                                                                                                   Date

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