What are the symptoms of Superficial Venous Reflux?

Some people will know they have a problem simply by looking down at their legs. For some the large veins under the skin may appear swollen, kinked, twisted or ropey. They may appear bluish in color. These are known as the Varicose Veins which occur with Superficial Venous Reflux. For others the variety of colors ranging from red to purple to brown may form unattractive web like patterns on one or more areas of the skin of the leg. These web patterns are known as Spider Veins and also occur with Superficial Venous Reflux. The physical symptoms of Venous Reflux can range from leg pain, heaviness, tiredness, throbbing, aching, stinging and burning, to restless legs, swelling and dermatitis. When the problem becomes so severe that the nutrition to the skin becomes compromised patients will get ulcerations of the lower leg.

Varicose Veins are also prone to developing superficial thrombophlebitis, which is a blood clot along with inflammation of a segment of vein. Although clots in the superficial veins are usually harmless, they may appear red and swollen with tenderness and pain over the affected area and feel hard or firm to touch. Anytime you suspect a clot in your leg you should see your health care provider as clots in the deep venous system are much more serious.

Many of these symptoms plague millions of Americans. Clearly Varicose and Spider Veins are not just a cosmetic issue.

Contact Vein Specialists of the Carolinas to schedule your appointment today.

“All We Do Is Veins, All Day Every Day.”


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