Varicose veins are a bane among both men and women in the middle to later years of life.

These bulging, twisting vessels can create a significant cosmetic concern as well as physical discomfort that directly impacts your quality of life. If you have been considering treatment for your varicose veins, consider these four vein treatment benefits. Our minimally-invasive vein treatments can change your life for the better.

Vein Treatment Benefits:

Improved Self-Confidence

Varicose vein treatments eliminates those protruding veins completely, leaving you with smoother, sexier legs. For those embarrassed about the appearance of their varicose veins, treatment can be life-changing. Patients that have successfully undergone treatment frequently find themselves wearing clothing they had avoided in the past, such as shorts and short skirts. At the same time, treatment of varicose veins can make you more confident in going to leg-baring places like the pool and beach.

Relief from Painful Symptoms

Varicose veins are more than a cosmetic issue for many sufferers. Common symptoms of varicose veins include:

  •  Pain and achiness of the legs, particularly at the end of the day
  • Heaviness in the legs or fatigue that keeps you from some activities
  • Cramping or restless legs, especially at night when you try to rest
  • Swelling of the lower leg, ankle and foot
  • Skin irritation and itchiness around the area of the vein

Symptoms can often be relieved by elevating legs at the end of the day or by wearing compression stockings. However, relief is only temporary and discomfort usually returns. While compression stockings may bring longer-lasting relief, the tight socks are often a nuisance themselves if they must be used for a prolonged period.

Freedom from Worry over Complications

Varicose veins are commonly caused by an underlying vein condition known as chronic venous insufficiency. The increased pressure from this condition can lead to skin irritation and changes to the skin’s color and texture. If left untreated, some of those changes can become permanent. In addition, if a sore forms on the lower leg, it can become very large and difficult to treat. Known as venous ulcers, these sores are one of the most severe complication of varicose veins. By treating your veins, you can be free from the concern over these skin ulcers and other possible skin problems.

Renewed Enjoyment of Activities

Both the pain and embarrassment of varicose veins can keep you from activities you once loved. Sufferers may find physical activities like hiking and jogging lose their appeal when they bring on pain in the lower legs. Embarrassment can also keep you from the swimming pool or even your neighbor’s backyard barbecue. By eliminating those unsightly veins and their symptoms, you can return to activities you once enjoyed without feeling self-conscious about your appearance or dreading the discomfort that is sure to follow.

Varicose veins are a significant concern for many sufferers. Fortunately, minimally-invasive treatments today allow you to eliminate those bulging veins without a major disruption to your daily life. To learn more about your options in vein treatments, contact Vein Specialists of the Carolinas in Gastonia at 704-861-2072 or in Charlotte at 704-544-5245.

“All We Do Is Veins, All Day Every Day.”

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